Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Polydor records (Universal music)

Yesterday we had a talk from Emily Teadrake , a video commissioner from Polydor records .
  • The commissioning process was introduced as the aim of the session.
  • Track confirmation, brief  set and then budgets discussed within a team which consists of the artist, director, A&R departments and marketing. 
  • Usually, commissioners insist on a performance element (as a backup) enforced by marketing department of the label making sure the artist is seen with the right star image.
  • The MV form has more freedom with ‘dance’ tracks - more concept, narrative, animation (which is good for the directors who want to go into short films etc.
  • Usually get track decided by A&R dep. and then given budget (based on project sales), they sit down with marketing; A&R etc. Artist and record company discuss the stylisation and techniques of the video such as camera; animation etc.
  • The record label will then send out a brief, with the track, to directors; wait a week to get some concepts in, and then they issue contracts.  The producer budgets the cost; they go and shoot it and oversee the edit and delivery.  The process take around a month in which Shoot they shoot as much as possible.  An average budget is about  £10-15,000 – perhaps lots more for a global established artist.

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