Thursday, 12 December 2013

Analysing the sixth sense title sequence.

Three quarters of the title sequence is just the credits and titles , the way they do this is genius though , a combination of the dark , slow and creepy orchestra music playing and the dark , slowly fading into the black dark screen credits automatically gives the audience  an idea of what this film will involve and the themes of the film. The slow music emphasises a kind of upsetting and scary atmosphere when watching this film and the very faint and fading credits that slowly creep into the background emphasise a very ghostly idea which tells us themes of this film but doesn't give away enough for the audience to really know what's going to happen , and doesn't ruin it.
The black screen fades into the beginning of the film , The actress enters a cellar and we automatically get a slightly anxious feeling as she slowly picks wine in a dark/cold/bare room . The way they create this feeling as she is in what seems like a cold and dark cellar , automatically gives the audience more proof of the films themes.

Camera shots also add to this feeling , the shot behind the wine rack gives the audience a feeling of the woman not being alone in the room . Without actually adding effects / noises / dialogue or shots that actually scare or jump out at you , they use other themes like locations , shots and music that subtly adds an awkward and creepy atmosphere .

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Casting problems

Today we were informed that Phil who was originally always going to be the main character will most likely not be able to be in it . We looked through a list of teachers at the school which included a photo of them all . We looked for teachers which we thought would fit our characters perfectly . We came to the end of the list with our own little list of teachers that could work . At the top of our list was a teacher from art , we asked him about dates and whether he would be available , which he wasn't due to January art exams. We then went to confirm with our actress that she would be available , sadly we were informed she wouldn't be able to make time for it . We had a serious problem , we had no actors . We looked to Phil for ideas on who too look to for casting , he gave us a few ideas of people that suited the part and may have time but told us to leave it to him . Otherwise we've confirmed our two locations , props and storyline.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Making final notes for sequence .

•House-kitchen-Sitting room
•Woods-logging scene
•Car-Driving to house
•Husband-Phil , we need back up actors incase of problems .
•Wife-Kathy , but we need back up actors incase of problems.
We need to ask a group of adults at least three men and three women , incase someone can't turn up or there are any issues . We need actors to suit our characters , a tough man , in A very basic and average family , the average house wife that doesn't work at the moment . 
Main effects 
•Chopping sounds at beginning , then synced with a change of shot to him chopping .
•Dog barking at beginning 
•chopping noise of knife during shots of tap and kettle
-these are all to do with sound effects . 
•extreme close ups (ecu) of loggs braking. , knife chopping , key turning , hand picking up loggs , Hoover moving , tap dripping , kettle steaming .
•mid shots of both actors will be used the most whilst ecu's are used for objects and small details.
•The male actor will be wearing dirty rugged work clothes . Practical for labour.
•The female will be wearing very basic casual outfit and an apron for house work.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Evaluating the Pilot

Once we finished editing and putting together our pilot , which overall was a struggle , we had little recourses, including using our phones , and very basic editing software , but we eventually got there and had a media teacher evaluate and guide us on things we could have done better . Simon began by saying that we filmed it well , using good locations and props , but he didn't quite understand what it was about , and had no idea what the idea of our pilot was trying to portray or suggest to the audience what would happen later in the film.He basically reminded us that we need to give part of the film away to excite and get the audience interested as if they know whats going to happen , but not too much to ruin the film. I quote "its been edited very nicely and filmed very nicely for a pilot , but i think you need to make it a lot clearer on what your trying to say ."

We had problems with continuity , the pilot didnt really flow very well in some shots , lastly because we were behind deadline , we didnt get to film and edit the ending to the pilot , which would have helped make more sense and give more of a story and background to it.Our problem with continuity can vaguely be blamed on the poor quality of our editing software that we had to use , in our final title sequence we would have hopefully saughted this problem out.

Preparing for the Pilot pt.2

The day before we shoot our pilot we went out looking for areas for different shots , we also evaluated what props , actors and vehicles we would need and use. We decided that I would film the shots of the man cutting and collecting firewood , then driving off . We found the perfect location for these shots , the photos below are shots of the area . as you can see below in the first image , the area is isolated and quite baron , perfect for a horror thriller opening scene.
                               This shot would involve Phil chopping wood then picking it up.

This shot would show him getting into the car and beginning to drive off .

 We planned to shoot from this angle as he drove away , overlooking this shot we followed the basic rule of only shooting from one side , otherwise it can complicate and confuse the audience.

                                               This was a panorama of the whole area.

We then went on to looking for a location too shoot our kitchen scene , we struggled for a while as we only had the lesson to search for the location and we had to film in school. Eventually we found a spot perfect for a kitchen scene , we then got our props together for the final shoot.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Planning the shoot of our pilot sequence.

Yesterday our groups planned our pilot sequences , a member of our group was ill so sadly couldn't input . We were informed to firstly make the pilot as similar as possible to what our real title sequence will look like, which meant we would have to use a lot of the same shots , secondly look at all the different aspects that would make our sequence , we had too plan the locations we would shoot at , the sourcing of appropriate costumes and outfits , the props and the actors. the pilot will be shot on our phones , we planned to use my iPhone as it has the best camera .
We drew a plan , including different shots , themes of credits and the title . It looked a little like this :

Locations - Our pilot has to be filmed within the school as we only have a short period of time to shoot and edit it. we hadn't quite made our minds up on setting but we need a place that involves a kitchen with a window that ideally looks onto a road.

Outfits - We would use women's very average avery day casual outfit for the woman , and dirty rugged casual clothes for the man who has basically been out cutting fire wood , to fit the males charecter.

Props - We will need a kettle , knife and vegetables , hoover and hopefully a car .

Actors - An elder man and elder woman , we would use teachers from hurtwood as an elder couple.

Effects-We are going to include credits that fade off the screen the whole way through the pilot and a title that will fade also , then obvioulsy the usual effects that we will use to enhance sounds , blend shot etc..
In order of shots , this would be the description of the pilot sequence . Begin with a black screen , a chopping noise can be heard , the credits slowly appear then fade in the top left corner , then the title comes up "Anna" , then fades , the chopping noise then fades into a synced ecu shot of a knife cutting vegetables . The shot then switches to a ecu of a kettle steaming (the whole way through , the credits are entering then fading in the top right corner ) . Then a medium shot of the back of a woman , including the kettle and we see her chopping . Then a shot of a window and we see her shadow walk past , straight after we see a car drive past , it then suddenly changes to the lowed noise of a hoover turning on , and a ecu of the hoover going back and forth , then a shot of the back of her as she moves the hoover , slowly we see two hands come behind her and grab her , we soon realize with a shot of them hugging that its her husband.